- Installing vSphere Client 5.1 fails.
- You see the error:
Failed to install hcmon - The vminst.log file (located in the %TEMP% folder) contains entries similar to:
inst-build-1060398 : MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 I1:InstallDriver: Installing hcmon driver
inst-build-1060398 : MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 I1:InstallDriver: Copying files, so stopping any pre-existing service
inst-build-1060398 : MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 E1:VNLStopService: Could not query service 'hcmon' status: 0x00000003
inst-build-1060398 : MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 I1:VNLCopyFileToSystemDir: Copying 'C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesVMwareUSBhcmon.sys' to 'C:Windowssystem32drivershcmon.sys'
inst-build-1060398 : MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 I1:VNLInstallService: Stopping any pre-existing instances of service
inst-build-1060398 : MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 E1:VNLStopService: Could not query service 'hcmon' status: 0x00000003
inst-build-1060398 : MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 E1:VNLInstallService: Service 'hcmon' already exists: 0x00000431
inst-build-1060398 : MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 XX:VNLInstallService: reconfigured existing service
inst-build-1060398 : MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 I1:InstallDriver: Installed driver hcmon, now starting
inst-build-1060398 : MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 E1:VNLStartService: Service 'hcmon' could not be started: 0x000000a1
inst-build-1060398 : MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 E1:VNL_InstallHcmon: Failed to create service for hcmon driver.
inst-build-1060398 : MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 I1:ParseCommand: operation: successful
inst-build-1060398 : MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 I1:VNLSpawn64BitVnetlibTask: Done waiting for process, code 0
inst-build-1060398 : MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 I1:VNLSpawn64BitVnetlibTask: process was not successful
inst-build-1060398 : MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 I1:InstallDriver: Launched 64-bit process, result FALSE
inst-build-1060398 : MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 E1:VNL_InstallHcmon: Failed to create service for hcmon driver.
USBDeviceInstUtil-build-1060398: MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 ERROR: Failed calling VNL_InstallHcmon()
USBDeviceInstUtil-build-1060398: MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 Freeing library: 1669922816
USBDeviceInstUtil-build-1060398: MM/DD/YY 14:25:10 ERROR: Failed to install hcmon
Note: The preceding log excerpts are only examples. Date, time, and environmental variables may vary depending on your environment.
Vmware Client Failed To Install Hcmon Driver Windows 10 64-bit
Vmware Client Failed To Install Hcmon Driver Windows 10 32-bit
Right-click VMware hcmon and click Uninstall. Rename the C: windows system32 drivers hcmon.sys file to hcmon.sys.old. But i can not find hcmon.sys in device manager!! I get the 'HCMON Driver Error' at the end of the installation, once the files are copied and the software is registered. If you press Accept on the pop-up that shows you the error, the installation process starts a roll back task, so the package is uninstalled. Hi, I can't install Vmware player on my laptop. I tried a lot of things but nothing worked. It was working fine but after reinstalling windows 10 I can't install any kind of Vmware product. It says 'failed to install hcmon' every time. I wasted 2 days on the internet to find a solution and tried a lot of things but nothing worked.